Origin and Meaning of the word "Jancok"

Origin and Meaning of the word "Jancok"

Origin and Meaning of the word "Jancok"

For those of you that East Java, would have been familiar with jancok word, this word is very famous in East Java, even the people in Central Java and West Java was often utter these words. So what exactly is the meaning of the word origin Jancok and how this word can be formed.

Jancok or dancok typical Surabaya is a word that has been widely spread throughout Indonesia to extend to even worldwide. Residents such as Surabaya in East Java, Malang etc. contribute to the spread of this word.

Jancok derived from the word 'encuk' having intercourse or equivalent word fuck in English. Derived from the phrase 'in-encuk' to 'diancok' then 'dancok' until it became the word 'jancok'.

There are many variants of the word jancok, such jancuk, dancuk, dancok, damput, dampot, dammit, diamput, diampot, diancok, mbokne ancuk (= motherfucker), crickets, guava, jancik, hancurit, hancik, hancuk, hancok, etc.. Crickets says, guava is one example of the more subtle forms of the word jancok.

The original meaning of the word is in accordance with the original saying 'encuk' leads to a dirty word when we see it in general. Normally, the word used to be a curse word when emotions explode, angry or to hate and cursing someone.

However, in line with the development of the use of the word, the meaning of the word jancok and his colleagues expanded to be a symbol of friendship and camaraderie typical (partial) arek-arek Suroboyo.

These words when used in a situation full of intimacy, will be the substitute word calling or personal pronoun. For example, "Yoopo are you, pretty", "ae urip sik Jancok koen, pretty?". As well as talk to people who should not be angry, because the conversation is punctuated with laughter and shook hands full familiarity dong ... Hehehehe ....

Jancok word could also be a surprise affirmation or comment on one thing. For example, "Jancok! Ayune Arek wedok iku, pretty!", "Jancuk ayune, rek!", "Jancuk eleke, rek", etc.. Sentence is suitable for use when it saw a beautiful woman who suddenly flashed before. Hehe ...

Suffix 'choke' or 'choke' can be interjections and conjunctions when speakers often use the word jancok in everyday life. "Tah manganese Wis. choke. Iyo choke, I kaet wingi durung manganese lak yo choke. Luwe choke.". Or "Jancuk, maine Arsenal mambengi uelek choke. Pemaine red card siji choke.

and indeed, this is very bad word spoken, hooked up to my utter this word, although I emphasize meaning is not the meaning of gross, but just calling it said, and turned in my school association said it is common

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